Help me send kids with disabilities to camp!
  • $1,664


  • $2,500


  • 17


Recent Transactions

  • Tyler Heroux

    $128.75 / 33 days ago

    You got this Mom! Xo

  • Debbie Sheran

    $20.60 / 34 days ago

  • Jason Dawson

    $103.00 / 34 days ago

    You got this Babe, I’ll be there cheering you on!!

  • Barbara Weir

    $51.50 / 34 days ago

  • Donna Noss

    $25.75 / 35 days ago

  • Lisa Prine

    $20.00 / 36 days ago

  • Jie Zhao

    $25.00 / 44 days ago

    Go Debbie! You are going to rock this, good luck and have fun!

  • Allison Cruz

    $51.50 / 49 days ago

    Good Luck! Wish we could be there to cheer you on, but we will be there in spirit!

  • Adrian Cieri

    $50.00 / 51 days ago

  • Anonymous

    $103.00 / 52 days ago

  • Brandon Wills

    $309.00 / 52 days ago

  • Mic Fox

    $103.00 / 55 days ago

    Thank you for representing Bunge and supporting a great cause! Go get 'em, Debbie!

  • Jean-francois Lamoureux

    $20.60 / 55 days ago

    Bring it down the drain !

  • Tyronna Capers

    $100.00 / 55 days ago

    Yes! Let's send some kids to camp! Good luck Debbie!

  • Amie York Trebing

    $103.00 / 55 days ago

    OK but a poutine eating contest with live music?!? And my girl Debbie? This is honestly my dream fundraiser. I wish I could be there cheering you on (and eating poutine) but I'll be there in spirit! Crush those curds! Get that gravy! Flatten those fries! You can do it!

  • Dawson Bartlett

    $250.00 / 55 days ago


  • Karen Rossit

    $200.00 / 55 days ago

    Dear "Smells like Poutine Spirit" - love the handle! Thanks for supporting an amazing cause and representing Bunge Debbie Rock On 🤘

About Debbie "smells like poutine spirit" Sheran

We Care is an organization that I feel passionate about, in the past I have volunteered at their wonderful camp and prior to working in sales I worked with both adults and children with disabilities, they taught me many things including compassion, understanding, love and just how far a smile can go. Let's send some kids to Camp!! Please Donate any amount counts.